My Father-in-Law, Ray, always loved the ocean and was the catalyst behind our yearly family ocean
trips which more often than not included not only immediate family, but
extended family and friends as well!
Before he
passed away, he was so hopeful that he’d be able to make that one last ocean
trip, but sadly he didn’t make it and although our hearts were broken, we all
decided to make the trip anyway and use it as an opportunity to honor him and
memorialize him at his favorite place!
I was particularly close with my FIL and after he passed in May of 2009, I was struck with a deep depression and found myself struggling to get through the day and find any joy in life.
My husband was struggling also, as he was very close with his Dad.
I managed to make a few scrapbook pages after he died, but then just found it too depressing to think about it and I just stopped working on the scrapbook I had started about him.
Recently, I read about a scrap challenge at Scrapping Everyday Miracles and it really inspired me to open that scrapbook up and work at it again!
The challenge was "Sad Moments" and when I read about the details, I KNEW I had to do this one!
The challenge was not only to scrap about a sad moment in your life, but to include a "bird" in the layout somewhere.
Well, this was key for me, as I have always felt that my father in law's soul takes the form of a bird and watches out for us all and checks in every once in awhile!
I know some might think I'm crazy, but even if it isn't REALLY him, I believe it is God's way of letting us know that Ray is okay and is "checking in" with us!
The reason I believe this is because soon after he passed, we took a trip to the ocean (mentioned above) and practically the entire way there, a beautiful bird was following us...very closely, like I had never seen before.
It had a huge wingspan and was so graceful and pretty!
I don't know a lot about birds, so I couldn't even tell you what kind it was, but it was there, gliding slowly back and forth above us.
I think he actually DID make that ocean trip that year...and he wanted us all to know he was with us and was at peace!
Whether it's true or just wishful thinking, doesn't really matter...we felt his presence and our souls were comforted...if only for awhile.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted ~ Matthew 5:4
This layout really doesn't do that trip justice as there were many people there...friends and family...and I took lots of photos, but I wanted to get something down for this challenge as it is close to my heart!
I plan on adding more to this layout/scrapbook later and I will update here on my blog when I do.
I hope you enjoyed sharing my sweet memories of my father in law and will be inspired to maybe make a page about a sad time in your life when you feel ready.
(This photo of us was taken on Ray's last ocean trip in 2008 at the Oregon Coast)
We miss you every day Dad...Rest in
peace and may you always hear the beautiful sound of the waves on the ocean and the buggy's on the dunes!
Supplies/Tools Used:
Cricut Imagine Machine
Hannah Montana Cartridge (Bird)
Imagine More Cartridge (Frame & Patterns)
Colorbok Patterned Papers (2)
Beige Cardstock
Cream/Buff Cardstock
Aqua Blue/Green Cardstock
DCWV Cardstock Matstack, The Mariposa
Michael's List Pad Bloc-Notes Paper, Lined, Brown
Ranger Stickles, Platinum
Baker's Twine, Brown/White, (Really Reasonable Ribbon)
Mini Petal Envelope Template (From:
Xyron Mega Runner Tape Gun
Super Stik, Permanent Glue Stick (Therm-o-Web)
Duck Glue Stick
Zig 2-way Glue, Squeeze & Roll Pen
Glue Dots, Mini, 3/16"
Foam Adhesive Dots (Recollections)
Mirado Black Warrior Pencil, HB2
Zig Memory System Millenium Pen, Sz. 05
Fiskars Paper Trimmer
Steel Scissors, 6"
Mini Steel Scissors, 3-3/4"
Small Ruler
Provo Craft Bone Folder
Cricut Spatula
Clear Paper Weights (Greenbrier Intl.)
Supplies/Tools Used:
Cricut Imagine Machine
Hannah Montana Cartridge (Bird)
Imagine More Cartridge (Frame & Patterns)
Colorbok Patterned Papers (2)
Beige Cardstock
Cream/Buff Cardstock
Aqua Blue/Green Cardstock
DCWV Cardstock Matstack, The Mariposa
Michael's List Pad Bloc-Notes Paper, Lined, Brown
Ranger Stickles, Platinum
Baker's Twine, Brown/White, (Really Reasonable Ribbon)
Mini Petal Envelope Template (From:
Xyron Mega Runner Tape Gun
Super Stik, Permanent Glue Stick (Therm-o-Web)
Duck Glue Stick
Zig 2-way Glue, Squeeze & Roll Pen
Glue Dots, Mini, 3/16"
Foam Adhesive Dots (Recollections)
Mirado Black Warrior Pencil, HB2
Zig Memory System Millenium Pen, Sz. 05
Fiskars Paper Trimmer
Steel Scissors, 6"
Mini Steel Scissors, 3-3/4"
Small Ruler
Provo Craft Bone Folder
Cricut Spatula
Clear Paper Weights (Greenbrier Intl.)
This post/project has been linked-up to the following sites/link parties:

Beautiful layout Lisa,your fil would of loved it. thanks for joining us at SEM.
What a beautiful and touching layout glad you joined us this month at Scrapping Everyday Miracles!
Lisa, you had me in tears. This post is so full of love, and tenderness. It in unquestionable how affected you still are by the loss of this amazing man in your life. The faith you have in the Lord to cover and heal the pain also leaps off the page as the page you created embodies all of that. Our healing will only be complete when we meet our Father face to face, and understand with complete clarity His deep, deep love for us in spite and and in the midst of our pain, and trials in this life. I pray your heart was healed and filled up just a little more as you worked through this page, blogged it, and shared a bit of your story with all of us. Thank you so much for linking up with us at Scrapping Everyday Miracles, it was so nice to see another friendly face pop in. Bless you today friend xoxo
what an awesome tribute!! I love how you incorporated so many memories into your layout! I loved it!!
I love this layout! I love the pictures and just everything about it! Thank you for sharing your heart and I am so glad you were able to open the album once and again and create such a meaningful loving page!
I was in tears reading your post! What a lovely story and your layout could not be more perfect! Funny you said you think your FIL takes form of a bird...our family feels it is a rainbow that shows us our MIL is looking over us! New follower after seeing you at Pink Cricut!
What a touching post and a beautiful scrap layout. What a beautiful tribute to him. I know he was watching over you, I do believe that.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad you did because that's how I found your great blog!
Wow! How meaningful. What a wonderful tribute to your F.I.L. And way to go there even though it was challenging. Beautiful work.
Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I'm delighted to be here checking out your corner of the blog-o-sphere.
What a cute idea. This would make a great Father's Day gift as well.
I discovered your blog through 2 just B you ( Meet and Greet blog hop). I am a new follower here! I love the variety of your post!!! I started to do scrapbooking so I'll visite you often. I give you the link to my blog, if you like my projects, I invite you to follow me.
Marisa from
Thank you so much for sharing your moving story. The layout is beautiful and hearing about the bird that followed your car, makes me think you are right and it was him checking in on you all.
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