Hello Crafty friends!
Thank-you for stopping by!
I have been absent here on my blog for awhile, have been concentrating more on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube lately as those social media platforms seem to bring me better results.
But, I am wanting to get back to blogging on a regular basis and hope to do that soon!
One new craft adventure I have been on lately, is learning about Art Journaling (aka: Junk Journaling), Mixed Media and Altered Art.
I am so inspired by some of the artists I have discovered on YouTube and Facebook!
I am still learning, so I do not have any completed projects to blog about yet, but I'm hoping that will come soon!
In the meantime, thought you might like to check out my Pinterest Boards on these subjects and get some inspiration yourself!
Also, if you'd like to watch the replay of my Coffee, Crafts & Chat that I did on this subject, just click on the link below:
https://www.facebook.com/stuffnsuch/videos/2117208774995193/Also, if you'd like to watch the replay of my Coffee, Crafts & Chat that I did on this subject, just click on the link below: