I am a big fan of the American girl dolls.
My daughter Beth had several of the dolls when she was growing up.
She actually won a doll and a bunch of clothes and accessories one year when she attended an AG Tea Party with a friend!
In fact, the doll I am using as a "model" in these photos is that very same doll!
I believe this doll is from the first year that the Pleasanton Company came out with the "Just Like You" Dolls and I think it was 1995, but I could be wrong about the year, my daughter is now 26 years old and my memory is fading! LOL!
Now that I have Granddaughter's and Nieces I am renewing my love for the Dolls through them and have recently been working on some special projects for the girls.
My latest project is this adorable pajama set from the McCall's pattern M5019.
Even though I have been sewing since I was a child, I still consider myself to be at the beginner to intermediate level when it comes to this craft, because I have not done a whole lot of it until recently.
Given that...this pattern was a tad bit difficult for me in some areas, but overall it was easy to make and I was excited to make it for my Niece "K".
She handpicked this pattern/outfit from the one's I showed her and I wanted to get it right for her.
The PJ pants were very easy to make and I used a flannel print that sewed nicely.
Probably the most difficult part of this project was sewing the fleece.
I had never worked with fleece before and was not quite prepared for the challenges it brings!
Fleece can be difficult even on a full-size project, but...imagine using it in miniature!
Here are a few tips I learned during this process:
1. Be sure and use the correct needle for this fabric as it is thick and dense.
2. Go slow while sewing the fleece, it can jam in the feed dogs if you aren't careful.
3. It also helped to lengthen my stitch slightly, as it didn't jam as much and if you end up having to "rip-out" a mistake, it's less likely to damage the fleece.
The tiny fleece slippers were tedious and I think next time, I will try a lighter weight fabric for those, like maybe felt.
I made a video detailing how I made the second slipper, as I thought if someone else might be having the same issues I was, it might help them.
Here is the video if you would like to see it:
The robe was made using a cotton checked print and was easy except for the collar and lapel, which is always confusing to me when sewing any item, but the more I sew, the better I get at this.
I just need more practice!
I will be giving this American Girl outfit to my niece soon and I will take some photo's to share with you all!
It was so much fun to sew this project, even with the challenges...as I love making things for my family and I love sharing with you all!
I want to say a special "Thank-You" to my daughter Beth who photographed most of this project for me!
(You can SO tell which one's she took and which one's I did...mine are definitely not up to par compared to hers!)
She is an awesome photographer and is so creative!
If you get a chance, check out her photography site at: www.bethraper.com or her facebook page at: Beth Raper Photography.
Thanks so much for stopping by to visit!
This Post/Project is linked up to the following sites/linky parties:
My daughter Beth had several of the dolls when she was growing up.
She actually won a doll and a bunch of clothes and accessories one year when she attended an AG Tea Party with a friend!
In fact, the doll I am using as a "model" in these photos is that very same doll!
I believe this doll is from the first year that the Pleasanton Company came out with the "Just Like You" Dolls and I think it was 1995, but I could be wrong about the year, my daughter is now 26 years old and my memory is fading! LOL!
Now that I have Granddaughter's and Nieces I am renewing my love for the Dolls through them and have recently been working on some special projects for the girls.
My latest project is this adorable pajama set from the McCall's pattern M5019.
Even though I have been sewing since I was a child, I still consider myself to be at the beginner to intermediate level when it comes to this craft, because I have not done a whole lot of it until recently.
Given that...this pattern was a tad bit difficult for me in some areas, but overall it was easy to make and I was excited to make it for my Niece "K".
She handpicked this pattern/outfit from the one's I showed her and I wanted to get it right for her.
The PJ pants were very easy to make and I used a flannel print that sewed nicely.
Probably the most difficult part of this project was sewing the fleece.
I had never worked with fleece before and was not quite prepared for the challenges it brings!
Fleece can be difficult even on a full-size project, but...imagine using it in miniature!
Here are a few tips I learned during this process:
1. Be sure and use the correct needle for this fabric as it is thick and dense.
2. Go slow while sewing the fleece, it can jam in the feed dogs if you aren't careful.
3. It also helped to lengthen my stitch slightly, as it didn't jam as much and if you end up having to "rip-out" a mistake, it's less likely to damage the fleece.
The tiny fleece slippers were tedious and I think next time, I will try a lighter weight fabric for those, like maybe felt.
I made a video detailing how I made the second slipper, as I thought if someone else might be having the same issues I was, it might help them.
Here is the video if you would like to see it:
The robe was made using a cotton checked print and was easy except for the collar and lapel, which is always confusing to me when sewing any item, but the more I sew, the better I get at this.
I just need more practice!
I will be giving this American Girl outfit to my niece soon and I will take some photo's to share with you all!
It was so much fun to sew this project, even with the challenges...as I love making things for my family and I love sharing with you all!
I want to say a special "Thank-You" to my daughter Beth who photographed most of this project for me!
(You can SO tell which one's she took and which one's I did...mine are definitely not up to par compared to hers!)
She is an awesome photographer and is so creative!
If you get a chance, check out her photography site at: www.bethraper.com or her facebook page at: Beth Raper Photography.
Thanks so much for stopping by to visit!
This Post/Project is linked up to the following sites/linky parties:

These turned out so cute -- love your choice of colors and fabric. Some little girl is going to be very happy with her gift!
Very cute! I pinned this! I'd like to invite you to participate in my Pin Me Linky Party. It goes Fri-Tue. I allow up to 3 links each week! I am a new follower. Off to see if you have other AG stuff!
How adorable! What a wonderful grandma you must be! :)
Thanks for sharing this at my Pin Me Linky Party. I hope you come visit & link again.
Those PJs are so cute! I want them in my size! I bet the girls love them!
Did you make the arm pillow from this pattern? (McCalls 5019) I'm really having trouble trying to figure out how to sew that together.
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